Greenwood Sc Index Journal

Greenwood Sc Index Journal

Garrett defeats Nicholson to flip Senate seat | Breaking |

Sep 30, 2024 · backyards are unrecognizable after the remnants of hurricane helene ripped through greenwood county. Thousands across the city have been working on cleanup since. 4 days ago · the leading source for news, obituaries, opinion and sports in greenwood, south carolina and across the lakelands. Sep 29, 2024 · greenwood, sc (29646) today. Winds wsw at 5 to 10 mph.

6 days ago · greenwood christian had its best football season in a decade, advancing to the state semifinal. And wednesday eight hawks were honored for their achievements. Aug 29, 2024 · officers were dispatched to the montgomery center for family medicine in greenwood about 11 a. m. After reports of a possible deceased person in a white vehicle. Since 1962 and prides itself in being a living history of news of greenwood, surrounding counties, and the world. Abbeville's damarcus leach signs with south carolina 6 days ago · the leading source for news from greenwood, sc and across south carolina's lakelands

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More Greenwood restaurants close as COVID-19 cases tick up | COVID-19

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